her side : as parents we want our gal to be get married to good character,earning,good family boy...
his side : as parents we want our boy to be get married to good character,earning[now a days],good family gal...
her side: how much you expect from us?!
his side: we dont think of expectations...u put as such what u do for ur gal....
few days later...marriage is been fixed....
gal and boy started communication...
her side :we put 100 pounds...and all extra things..
his side : u dont need to give do all extra things...why are you spending so?...
her side: how do and when i send 100 pounds with our gal..let us talk...
his side: you dont worry at all...give all 100 pounds to me in my hands..i take care[bride grooms mother]
her side:?!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the fact happening around every marriage....and the marriage named as divine.....
we can assume here whether it going to be divine or hell for the gal...
marriage proves everywhere as practical bargain in my eyes....which could be seen by all....
i see marriage is named divine, but treated as PROVEN BUSINESS....
ooo..u asking about my marriage?!
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